TWO residents from Thornbank have been hailed for their commitment in turning the area surrounding the residential home into, “a beautiful area to be enjoyed by all.”
That is the view of Brian Warwick from Melksham Seniors who has heaped praise on Judy Molter and Wendy Searle for their tireless efforts in transforming Thornbank and the surrounding area ready for the Melksham in Bloom competition.
Brian said, “The pair have worked all year round ready for the competition and their efforts have really made the place a better place to live and they deserve the highest praise for making this a more enjoyable place for people to see.
“It would have been good if more places in Melksham had joined in the efforts to make the town more attractive as some larger businesses haven’t done enough in my opinion, but now Thornbank has set the standards for others to meet.”
Green-fingered Judy and Wendy were modest in the praise being given to them. They said, “We are both pleased to have made it a nicer place to be, but we do enjoy it, so it’s no trouble for us and it keeps us busy.”