DO you have an idea about how to use two empty telephone boxes in Melksham? Yes? Then the town council needs you!
The town council says, “There are two red telephone boxes in Melksham that the town council has adopted. One is on Littlejohn Avenue by the Pig and Whistle, and one is on Spa Road.
“Many suggestions have been explored for what to do with them, but the council would like to ask community groups and businesses in Melksham for their bids.
“Melksham Town Council is also looking for groups of volunteers to help decorate the telephone boxes to help make them look great again.
“If you can help decorate or if you have an idea for something that your group would like to do with a telephone box, please get in touch with Taylor at the Town Hall via email:
“Bids received will be forwarded to the asset management and amenities committee for the final decision in October.”