CHILDREN carrying glowing lanterns paraded through the town last week in a bid to raise awareness of local and national charities.
Around 30 lanterns were paraded from Melksham’s Assembly Hall to the Littlebrook Centre on Thursday 5th of December.
Each of the lanterns contained an emblem of a charity to raise awareness of the work that the charities do.
Children from across the area joined in the parade, along with others from all across the town.
When the parade reached the Littlebrook Centre, Father Christmas was waiting in his grotto and the children sang Christmas carols. All the shops in the Littlebrook Centre were open until 8.00pm to treat parents with hot chocolates and sweet treats. The parade was organised by businesses in the Littlebrook Centre.
Organiser Jacs Brady said, “It was a huge success, we had lots of people turn out and join in and the quality of the lanterns was fantastic. It was an enjoyable evening for everyone.”