Latest news and advice on COVID-19 from Wiltshire Council.
We will be providing updates on our services on our website and you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
For central government updates follow:
Public Health England
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Download our community toolkit
Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub opens
We have set up a dedicated hub to support the most vulnerable residents during the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub is available to anyone who is struggling during this difficult time, such as people who are shielding or self-isolating and don’t have a support network around them or know where to get help.
Our team can help provide support but also signpost people to where additional help is available in their local area – with hundreds of community groups set-up across the county providing invaluable assistance.
More on the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub
Renewal of garden waste service
As you know we would normally be contacting you at this time of year about renewing your subscription for the chargeable garden waste collection service. Due to the pressure on our services because of coronavirus (COVID-19), the decision has been taken that this process should be delayed.
The subscription renewal period will now not commence until 15 June this year.
Collections of garden waste will continue, provided the council’s contractor has sufficient staff to maintain service delivery given the risk of absence as some staff have to self-isolate.
Hopefully the next time you hear from us we will be inviting you to renew your subscription for 2020-21.
More on the deferral of garden waste renewals
We’re here and ready to support you
That’s the message going out to vulnerable people who may be victims of domestic abuse in Wiltshire amid concerns some people may decide not to access support services or call our partners, Wiltshire Police during these challenging times.
But the message is these vital domestic abuse services are still working and people can still access services if they need them – online or on the phone.
People who are living with domestic abuse or know someone who is living with the impacts of domestic abuse can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 which is freephone in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge, or in an emergency call 999.
More on the support available for victims of domestic abuse
Pack published to support volunteers
We’ve created an information pack for volunteer groups to help people support their communities during the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
Wiltshire has already seen a large number of community groups mobilise up and down the county to support their fellow residents. Our pack brings together a lot of the best practise in setting up an effective response.
The ‘COVID-19 Volunteer Pack’ includes top tips on setting up a volunteer group, advice on supporting those in self-isolation, and a range of template forms and useful signposting to other resources.
More on the pack published to support volunteers
We’re all now spending a lot more time at home than we might like, which is why staying as physically active as possible is more important than ever.
#StayInWorkOut is Sport England’s brand-new campaign, funded by The National Lottery, giving you the advice and tools you need to help you do this while the country deals with the coronavirus outbreak.
Library Rhyme Time sessions for babies and toddlers
Our first ever live Facebook rhyme time has proven to be a hit for families throughout Wiltshire and beyond.
Our Library Manager Basil Nankivell’s online rhyme time, ably accompanied on piano by his talented 17 year old son Jim, has been viewed more than 3,000 times and received hundreds of positive comments since it was broadcast last Friday (27 March).
The next confirmed dates are as follows:
- Wednesday 1 April, 11am – from Corsham Library Facebook page– Laura
- Thursday 2 April, 11am – from Salisbury Library Facebook page – Naomi
- Friday 3 April, 10am – from Trowbridge Library Facebook page – Basil and Jim
More on our rhyme time sessions
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak
Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
You may feel bored, frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you.
It’s important to remember that it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.
More on looking after your mental health and wellbeing
Free radios for 70+ vulnerable people
Radio is a vital source of news, information and companionship in these unprecedented times and BBC local radio wants to ensure as many people as possible have access to it.
So, BBC local radio has teamed up with manufacturers, retailers and a loneliness charity to offer free DAB radios to the most vulnerable people aged 70+.
From today you can nominate someone for a free radio by completing an online form.
More on nominating someone for a free radio