Melksham Gardeners’ Society launch their Show schedules in the run up to their 6th Open Flower & Produce Show which will be held at the assembly hall on Sunday 7th September.
It will include the usual classes of flowers, fruit and vegetables plus children’s, handicrafts, and photography sections. The cookery section has proved so successful in the past that it has now been split into two, with a bakery and preserves section and additional classes in each.
There is something for all the family and of course it is open to all whether you are a member, resident or not. In the afternoon there will be a number of demonstrations and displays including propagation workshops, Wiltshire Guild of Spinners Weavers and Dyers, Wiltshire Branch of The British Cactus and Succulent Society, Wiltshire Alpine Garden Society, quilting demonstration, Melksham Bee Keepers, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Wiltshire Wood Recycling, Phoenix Cards and seaweed extract for sale. Matt Simpson of Simpson Seeds will be on hand to pass on his knowledge of growing tomatoes, capsicums, cucumbers, melons and other greenhouse crops – along with his infamous chilli sauces!
Melksham Gardeners’ Society are keen for members of the public to take part in the Show classes, as well as their own members. Chair, Barbara Cropp said, “You don’t have to be an expert gardener, craftsperson or cook to enter. There is something within each category to suit all abilities. Have a go!!”
Entry fees are 25p per class (except the children’s classes which are free) and the deadline for entries is the Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August. The prizes for the Show entries, and those of the town council’s Melksham in Bloom competition, will be presented by the mayor at the end of the afternoon. Show schedules and entry forms are now available from the town hall, the tourist information centre and Flowers in Focus or can be downloaded from the website – www.melk