CONCERNS from local residents that a road in Melksham has become a ‘rat run’ are growing, despite a 20mph limit introduced on the road last year.
Residents of Kenilworth Gardens say although the 20mph has been in force for four months, drivers ignore the signs and continue to use the road as a race track.
Mike Gorringe, who has lived on Kenilworth Gardens for three years, says speeding on the road has been a problem since he moved to the road and it’s getting worse.
“It’s an accident waiting to happen,” Mike said. “I’m surprised that we haven’t had a serious accident along the road – but it’s only a matter of time.
“Myself and other neighbours are concerned about the safety of the road. There are children of all ages who walk and cycle along the road regularly and it is only a matter of time until an ambulance is called because someone is hit.
“We are very pleased that the road now has a 20mph limit and there are signs at either ends of the road, thanks to councillor Jon Hubbard, but unfortunately, it hasn’t stopped people using the road as a race track.
“We would like either speed strips or 20mph painted on the road for drivers to see, but Wiltshire Council will not provide the funding.
“We have recently bought 20mph stickers to put on our bins and I would encourage other residents to do the same.”
Councillor Jon Hubbard said, “When you put in a speed limit like the one on Kenilworth Gardens, most people respect it but you will always get the idiots who will ignore it. Even with enforcements, people will ignore the speed limit; speed cameras will always catch people speeding, the police will always catch people speeding – unfortunately there are people who are too stupid to understand speed limits and those people don’t deserve to have driving licences.
“I would have loved to have made Kenilworth Gardens a 20mph zone rather than a limit because you can install speed-bumps or chicanes, but that comes with an extraordinary expense. So we have to be pragmatic and something is better than nothing.”