In a move to address housing cost and inequality in the parish of Seend, the community formed a Community Land Trust to build affordable homes for people with a local connection to the parish.
The Seend CLT, which was formed in July 2018, chose the White Horse Housing Association as project partner to build a small number of homes in the parish to meet the hidden rural housing need of local people. The CLT has over 200 members and is supported by Seend Parish Council.
“Seend is a popular place to live but local people can’t afford property prices there,” says the Trust. “Older members of the community have to move away from local friends and family because of insufficient affordable housing of the right design. For young home starters a similar problem exists as, when rarely available, the minimum price of a 2-bed starter home in the parish is close to an unaffordable £250,000 and rising.
“An increasing number of CLTs forming across England are working to provide local affordable rental and shared ownership homes at no more than 80% of local market costs. English CLT numbers now exceed 290. With the nationwide shortage of affordable housing, forming a CLT with community support and ownership is one way for communities to meet future local housing need.
“Seend’s current project is to build affordable homes for people who already live or work in that community or who have relatives living there. As part of this process, the White Horse Housing Association and Wiltshire Council are undertaking a rural housing needs survey, which Seend people will receive later this month. The housing needs survey will help determine the needs of the Seend community. All Seend residents are urged to complete it so that the right homes can be built for the community.
“Any person living or working in Seend, or with a Seend family connection, may be eligible to apply for the new housing developed by Seend CLT. People can register online now at to be considered.
“The partnership has arranged two drop-in sessions where staff from Wiltshire Council and White Horse Housing will be available at the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion, Rusty Lane, Seend to assist residents and family in completing the survey and/or registering with Homes4Wiltshire on these two dates: • Wednesday 10th April 3pm – 7pm • Wednesday 24th April 3pm – 7pm.
“Seend residents are welcome to go along. More information can be found at”