The Stop Smoking Quit Club settled in at their new venue at Melksham Library on Saturday 5th July.
The quit club had been previously running at the assembly hall but the opportunity arose to relocate to the library which gave more flexibility for users of the service.
Kiran Lochab, one of the club’s stop smoking advisors said, “We are delighted with the venue, there is easy access for people with disabilities and the parking is in such close proximity that people can combine visiting us with doing their shopping.
“The library gives parents with small children the opportunity to receive stop smoking support from us whilst their children can enjoy themselves in the play area section nearby.”
Past user of the service, and successful quitter Paul Botting of Melksham, dropped in to offer his congratulations on the new venue. Paul had been a 40 a day smoker for 40 years, and after having a cancerous lump removed from his chest, decided he had to do something about his habit.
In October 2013 Paul, came to the Melksham Quit Club and attended fortnightly for support. Now aged 52 he said, “I couldn’t have done it without their support. Even when I was feeling a bit fed up, their encouragement kept me going.
“Six months on and the health benefits I’ve seen are brilliant, my sense of smell and taste have returned and I don’t cough anymore. My wife is so proud of me and my son has also been inspired to give up.”
Joan Wood, another of the Quit Club advisors stated, “The average smoker spends £7.20 per pack and smokes 15 cigarettes per day which calculates to £1,971 per year. Not many smokers realise how much they actually spend.
“Trying to stop smoking on your own can be a struggle, but with free support from us, combined with encouragement, advice and suitable medication; smokers are four times more likely to succeed in quitting.”
You can access the Stop Smoking Quit Club every Saturday between 10.30am – 12.00pm at Melksham Library Lowbourne, Melksham (SN12 7DZ) with no appointment necessary.
For further service information please telephone 0300 003 4562 or look up your postcode for alternative support at www.wiltshirestopsmok