CAMPAIGNERS have said that they are ‘delighted’ that a planning application to convert the village shop in Whitley into housing has been refused.
The Whitley Community Hub is now moving forward with plans to explore how they could purchase the business and create a community shop.
It was announced in June that The Toast Office – the shop and Post Office on Top Lane in Whitley – would not be re-opening, and that a planning application had been submitted to Wiltshire Council to change the existing use of the building from its current use to a residential building, creating two dwellings.
The application received no objections from Melksham Without Parish Council, but last week Wiltshire Council rejected the application as the proposal would lead to the loss of the last remaining shop and post office in the village.
Wiltshire Council also explained that they were refusing the application as the business had not been placed on the market first, before concluding that the site is not viable for ongoing commercial use.
In response to the decision, a spokesperson for the Whitley Community Hub said, “The Whitley Community Hub has established a steering group with a view to drawing up a business plan and proposal once we have sight of the marketing particulars. We are setting up our first meeting with the Plunkett Foundation, who offer advice and support to community shop enterprises around procedures and finance options.
“Of course, the property will also be available for offers from other potential commercial operators at the same time.
“The Hub group has received lots of interest, support and offers of practical help from villagers and is delighted that – unlike the parish council – Wiltshire Council has made their planning decision for the benefit and consideration of the whole community, allowing the proper opportunity for all potential community uses for the premises to be explored.”
For more information about the Whitley Community Hub group, visit: