A SEEND children’s author has been praised for her recently published series ‘Whimsy Wood.’ Sarah Hill has had positive reviews from book reviews critics and has also appeared on radio recently as her books’ popularity has grown.
Sarah said, “It’s great that I have had another great review for my ‘Whimsy Wood’ series and recently BBC Radio Wiltshire accompanied me to Corsham School where I read to 90 young children.
“If anyone would like to listen to this and hear 90 young children doing ‘Wibble Woodlouse’s’ squeaks as I read them the story then please visit www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01pbhbl.”
Nayu’s Reading Corner a website that reviews children’s books was full of praise for the Seend author’s series. The website reports, “Posie one of the characters in the book is one astute pixie, whose character is brightened by the colourful illustrations. I was captivated by Posie’s cute outfit.” After the release of her first book Sarah said, “I really was completely overwhelmed to be holding the first copy of my first children’s book in my hands after two years of constant writing, rewriting, applications to numerous literary agents and publishers and yet finally I had been signed to a publishing house and my Whimsy Wood dream was becoming a reality!”
Book three of the series, ‘Posie Pixie And The Torn Tunic’ is due for release on 8th February. Sarah will have a book launch for the third book at Waterstones bookshop in Bath. She will also be doing book signings at the event.
For more information on the series or for school readings contact Sarah on Sarah Hill whimsy.pixie76@gmail.com or visit her Facebook page Whimsy Wood Series.