THE Atworth History Group welcomed Richard Bush who gave an extremely interesting talk about the German occupation of Guernsey between 1940 and 1945, on 7th November.
Richard was born on Guernsey during the occupation, so had lots of personal history to share with the group.
A spokesperson for the group said, “We have our AGM and Christmas party on 5th December, so the next “proper” meeting of the history group will be on Monday 9th January 2023 when Nick Goodall will speak to us about the history of Stonar School.
“We meet in Atworth Village Hall at 7.30pm. Visitors are very welcome at the modest cost of £5 for the evening, or you may wish to join for an annual subscription of £15. There is a full and interesting programme of speakers for 2023, so why not come along?
“We meet on the first Monday of each month, unless there happens to be a bank holiday, in which case we meet on the second Monday of the month.”