SOME train services at Melksham Railway Station will be replaced with buses due to the line being taken over by long-distance passenger trains, allowing Network Rail to carry out electrical work.
As Network Rail carry out ongoing electrification works between Reading and Newbury, during the weekdays between Monday 12th – Thursday 15th March and Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th April, trains at Melksham Station will be replaced by buses.
Diverted long-distance trains will use the route between Westbury and Swindon, so TransWilts services calling at Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham will be changed whenever the work at Newbury is taking place.
Services being operated by a replacement bus will stop outside the station at Westbury and Chippenham, and in the station car park at Trowbridge and Melksham.
Please note that some services (bus and train) will run earlier than normal times. For more information about which services are being affected visit bury2018