THE Enigma Twirl Team took to the floor on Sunday 29th March for the first SITA (Southern Independent Twirling Association) competition of the season.
Not all team members took part, but the ones who did came away with some incredible results.
1st x7, 2nd x1 in team events, 1st x2, 2nd x6, 3rd x3, 4th x4, 5th x4, 6th x3 in solo and duet events and to top it off they won Overall Troupe of the Day!
Tanya from the team explains that there was not a lot of team entries at this competition, and the members are under no illusion that hard work is going to be needed to do as well next time.
She said, “We are so proud of the team members who took part this time, and this is the largest amount of members that we have ever had compete, so it was a very busy and full on day.
“Some of the members who took part in the competition have only been twirling since November last year, with one only twirling with us since January. For the team to go out and face their nerves head on, then carry on regardless is commendable.
“Each of the members who took to the floor for the first time at a competition, are now eager to improve on their performance in the time for the next competition in May.”
Enigma are currently focused on the competitions ahead, but still have a few spaces available in the diary for displays at fete’s or fayre’s which they are happy to support within the local community.
The troupe are continually fundraising and looking for sponsors to help with the running costs, plus kit and equipment of the ever expanding team. They have a Family Fun Bingo Night booked for Saturday 25th April at the Liberal Club where everyone is welcome. Doors open at 6.30pm – eyes down 7.00pm.
If you are interested in joining the team or would like to book them or even offer sponsorship please contact Tanya on 07702 808079.