The Holt community has raised objections to two proposed developments that could see 145 houses built on land around the village.
Residents and some local councillors have expressed concerns that the village’s character could be lost with the new developments and that local wildlife could be affected. They have also raised issues regarding the village’s capacity to cope with an increased volume of traffic, access to the developments and a lack of infrastructure in Holt to cope with such expansion.
90 houses
An application for 90 houses off Melksham Road at Great Parks was approved by the planning inspector last year despite widespread objections by the community and some councillors.
The developer, Bewley Homes, is now awaiting approval from Wiltshire Council of the reserved matters, which cover the appearance, landscape, layout and scale of the development.
However, residents have said the proposals are ‘not in keeping with the character of the village’ and are ‘surprised’ that the feedback from residents have not been taken into consideration. Objections include the scale of development, which includes two blocks of three-story flats, the appearance of the proposed homes and the lack of parking.
55 houses
Residents have also objected to a planning application recently submitted by Redcliffe Homes Ltd, to develop a further 55 houses, with 22 designated as social affordable housing, on land north of Melksham Road.
The community has raised concerns about the impact of increased traffic on the village, the effect of additional street lighting, the impact on wildlife and flooding risks.
In a comment on Wiltshire Council’s planning portal, one resident said, “Holt was a country village, not Melksham. Holt is already comfortable with its new build council targets for both volume and affordable housing, especially with the unwanted site on the opposite side of Melksham Road. Holt cannot cope or cater with hundreds of more people and housing.”
Wiltshire Councillor Trevor Carbin, who represents Holt, has also requested that this application be considered by a Wiltshire Council planning committee due to the visual impact on the local area, the scale of the development, its relationship to adjoining properties and the environmental and highway impact.
Following a public meeting which Holt Parish Council held on Thursday 18th July, for the community to share their views both applications, the parish council said the application for 90 houses contains material and unacceptable changes from the approved outline application and pays scant regard to the Core Strategy, the emerging Wiltshire Local Plan, the made Holt Neighbourhood Plan, the NPPF and the Wiltshire and National Design Guides.
In a comment on Wiltshire Council’s planning portal, the parish council said, “It ignores important matters considered by the inspector at the appeal. The design in its present form would detrimentally affect the intrinsic character of Holt and cause ecological and climate damage.
“The disadvantages of the proposal would last 100 years or more and the application should be refused.”
A decision on both applications is due to be made in September.
Details of both applications can be found by searching on Wiltshire Council’s planning portal using the following references: 90 homes – PL/2024/04625 and 55 homes – PL/2024/05435