FOLLOWING a good summer you may want to get outside or start a new project, if so, than maybe volunteering is the thing for you.
Whether you’ve got a few hours a month or a day a week there’s an opportunity out there to suit. “Volunteering provides me with the chance to do meaningful work that enhances the community and makes me feel useful.”
Here are just a few opportunities within your area: Short-term Host: Cultural Exchange Visits with Host UK, help make the world a little friendlier. Spend a day or weekend with an international student, learning about their culture, showing them your local area and inviting them to experience your own home life.
Emergency Fundraisers : ActionAid is looking for enthusiastic and dynamic volunteers from around the UK to join in the global fight to protect those affected by international conflict and natural disasters by becoming Emergency Fundraisers.
Home Visitor Volunteer : Blind Veterans are looking for volunteers who would be at the forefront of providing vital help for their members. Your role would be to support them in everyday activities whilst providing them with a friendly, sociable person to talk to.
Peer Support for Carers: Wiltshire Addiction Support Project are looking for volunteers who have experience of caring for or living with someone with a drug or alcohol issue, to provide advice and support to carers of those with a drug or alcohol issue.
We also have details of various gardening, environmental, befriending, mentoring, administration, IT and many other roles. Are you looking for a one off or short term volunteering opportunity? Why not take a look at our list of Groups that are looking for volunteers for one off or urgent opportunities by visiting our website
If you’d like to start volunteering get in touch and we can help find the best role for you. Visit our website: or call our Volunteering Adviser on 0845 521 6224. Volunteer Centre Wiltshire is run by Develop Enhancing Community Support.