A WOMAN from Broughton Gifford is to have her head shaved on Friday to raise money for Dorothy House.
Lesley Holdway who is the Broughton Gifford WI president will have the chop after the WI Macmillan coffee morning in the village. She aims to raise £1,500, having originally set herself a target of £700 before smashing past that figure. She has currently raised £1,335.
She chose to raise money for Dorothy House after they cared for her mother before she died.
Lesley said, “I decided to have a head shave as I wanted to do something good and I knew I could not jump out of a plane nor walk a long distance. This seems to me something that I can do easily and hopefully raise a lot of money. I am not worried about having my head shaved at all. My hair grows fairly quickly and I am hoping to have a bit of coverage by Christmas. I shall buy a couple of scarves to wear so as not to scare people! My husband thinks I am very brave, as do some of my friends. Some have said I am mad too. I do keep saying that being brave is going into a burning building and saving a life, not having one’s head shaved. My grandson asked what I would look like so I told him I shall be old, fat and bald for a short time!
“I originally set a fundraising target of £700 but after reaching £640 in two weeks I decided to change it to a target of £1,500. I chose Dorothy House as I wanted to do something local and Dorothy House helped my mother before she died. I have had several friends die from cancer and a few who have had cancer and survived. It really does affect everyone and Dorothy House are marvelous at helping not only the patient but also the family.
“I would like to say I am so grateful for the kindness of friends and people who I do not know very well who have so far sponsored me. I shall be posting pictures on Facebook and Twitter which I have been using to plug my justgiving page so that all those people who have sponsored me can see what I look like. I am also using my WI connections to get publicity as I want people to know that WI members are not just about making cakes and doing crafts as we can be a bit daring too.”
To sponsor Lesley visit www. justgiving.com/Lesley Holdway or she will accept donations in person.