Wiltshire Council’s Healthier Communities Project will be launched next week at the Forest Community Centre, Bowmans Court.
The Healthier Communities Project is a three-year Sport England-funded project that provides residents of ten communities, including Melksham, the opportunity to become physically active and to lead a healthier lifestyle.
The project is aimed at people living in these communities who are aged 16 – 74 years old and will help support them to become more active together. The type of activities offered through the Healthier Communities Project will be suitable for those who are not active on a regular basis and who want to improve their health but are unsure where to start.
Sessions will focus on fun, social activities that offer participants the health benefits associated with being active on a regular basis. All sessions will be held in local facilities within target communities and will be available at an affordable cost to participants.
The launch event will be held on Wednesday 29th May at Forest Community Centre, from 12pm – 2.30pm.
Refreshments will be provided. RSVP: Nikki Foster, Healthier Communities Project coordinator, nikki.foster@wiltshire.gov.uk.
For more information about the project, visit: www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisure -healthier-communities