MELKSHAM Speakers Club is encouraging people to get involved in the new year, and see how improving communication skills could change their lives.
Group organiser Sheila Jackson says, “New year brings with it resolutions, some of which are easy to keep, others are not so.
“Taking on a new challenge is sometimes frightening and because of this fear you may feel that you do not have the confidence to ‘go for it’.
“At Melksham Speakers we give you the confidence to go for it and you will surprise yourself with how good you are at giving presentations, communicating at all levels and thinking on your feet. Good communication skills are vital in all businesses and one of the things that customers complain about more than anything else is poor communications.
“You also need good communications skills when meeting people in a social environment. You can shine in a crowd with good skills and we can show you how to acquire them.
“If you are lacking in confidence in all aspects of your life, we can help and support you to achieve what you want. We can show you how to complain with a good manner, how not to lose your temper and how to keep calm in a crisis. Please join us and keep your new year resolutions, which are in fact a promise to yourself. We are a happy and friendly club, you will be most welcome. Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 24th January at 7.30pm.”
The club meets at the Rachel Fowler Centre on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For further information contact. Sheila on 07726 537452.