MELKSHAM Town Council is holding a town tidy day with a difference next month as they continue with their war on plastic in the town.
On Sunday 13th May from 1pm until 3pm, the council will be taking part in ‘The Great Plastic Pick Up’, joining communities across the UK in a national campaign to clear streets and green spaces of plastic litter and recycle everything collected where possible.
The event follows on from the news in February that the town council intend to become an accredited plastic-free town; ridding the area of plastic straws, looking at ways to reduce plastic cup usage and exploring setting up a plastic bottle recycling point in the town.
Deputy town clerk Clare Harris said, “We hope to raise awareness about the amount of plastic that is thrown away that could be recycled. If we all stop and think, we might be able to save recyclable plastic from going to landfill.”
The council is also using the day to promote their membership to the Refill campaign, which allows the public to use the tap at the Town Hall to fill up their reusable drinking containers with water, rather than purchase plastic bottles.
“We’re asking anyone coming to the special town tidy day to bring their reusable drinking containers to fill up at the Town Hall on the day, rather than buy drinks,” said Clare. “We want this day to be as plastic-free as possible!”
Anyone interested in taking part should meet at the Town Hall on the day. Participants are advised to wear suitable outdoor clothes. Tools and gloves will be provided.