STREET lights have now been installed in Melksham East, following a successful campaign by residents and councillors who petitioned for more street lighting to improve the safety of the community.
Lights covering the northern part of the estate surrounding Skylark Road have been installed along a busy area, along the route used by children going to and from Forest & Sandridge Primary School.
Lights have also been installed on the footpath in the playing field, west of Forest & Sandridge School and towards Clackers Brook, which did not have any lights, raising safety concerns among the community, particularly in the winter.
The success of the installation of lights follows a public consultation, held last year, which showed residents in the areas surrounding Forest & Sandridge School wanted more lights installed along the footpaths, to improve safety of the community and children walking to and from the school.
Following the initial consultation, further stakeholders including the landowner, Forest & Sandridge Primary School and the local police also added their support to the project.
Leaders of the project, ex-town councillor Louisa Lewis, who represented East Ward, Wiltshire councillor Mike Sankey, and resident Joe McCann, presented the results of a public consultation and the need for additional lighting to be installed, at the full town council meeting on Monday 30th January, where councillors gave a unanimous vote of support for the project to go ahead.
Louisa Lewis said, “I am so pleased that the lights have been installed, this is why I became a councillor. Working for my ward, the Melksham East Ward, has been amazing, I have loved every minute.”
Resident of Melksham East, Joe McCann said, “This is great for the area; for too long the pathways leading around the estate were unusable after a certain point in the evening unless you carried a torch. These lights will allow people to move around the estate with a feeling of safety and be able to see where they are going. I would like to thank Louisa Lewis and Mike Sankey for all their hard work in making this happen so quickly.”
Cllr Mike Sankey said, “The installation of additional lighting in Melksham East is a fantastic achievement for local residents.
“It has come about due to the tenacity and pragmatism of a dedicated and sincere member of Melksham Town Council whose sole focus is the interests of the residents whom they represent. Whilst happy to have provided my support, the credit for this installation lies solely with Cllr Lewis.
“It is ironic therefore that this dedicated town councillor, having achieved so much feels compelled to resign her position amidst a backdrop of bullying and harassment from members and officers of the council that could clearly learn a thing or two from her example.Thank you Cllr Lewis, your contribution will be sorely missed.”