A MELKSHAM woman has started a five stone weight loss challenge to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Kelly Williams has decided to fundraise for the charity after a family member was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) so wanted to raise money for a worthwhile cause and use it as an incentive to lose weight.
She said, “I chose to lose weight instead of something else to raise money, as it’s more personal and my weight is something that I have struggled with for a long while. By finally achieving weight loss, not only will I benefit myself, but I will be raising money for the MS Society too, through people’s sponsorship. I hope to raise as much as possible, but any contribution would be gratefully received.
“I chose five stone as it will put me back in the healthy body mass index (BMI) zone for my height. The toughest aspect of this is the milk rationing; I’m only allowed 250ml of semi skimmed milk a day and I used to live on milky tea and coffee! I’ve started drinking fruit tea, which was really disgusting to begin with, but I’m getting used to the taste and it doesn’t require milk.
“A close family member of mine has MS and recently got very ill due to other health issues because of the MS, and ended up in hospital. Thankfully, they have recovered and are back home, but it’s taken its toll. So many families are in the same boat and I just want to do something for them.”
To donate to Kelly visit her Justgiving page www.justgiving.com/KellyWilliams24.