PLANS have been submitted for 18 “zero-carbon” homes in Melksham.
If approved, the houses would be built on St George’s Road, Semington, alongside 24 other houses, which are currently under construction.
The homes would be a mix of two, three and four bedrooms, consisting of bungalows, detached and semi-detached, with “a variety of housing types with affordable housing provided”.
Access to the site would be from the existing access off St George’s Road, with ‘sufficient parking provided’.
Developers Newland Homes say the proposals for zero carbon homes “far exceed” current energy requirements, and that the homes are designed to maximise energy efficiency through siting and orientation. The homes would also have a “highly insulated building fabric”.
Heating and hot water would be provided by air source heat pumps, while electric car charging would be provided across the site.
The design and access statement said, “Any potential impact from development of the site was assessed as part of the planning application for 24 homes to the north.
“Through careful design, the approved scheme proposals were considered not to lead to harm to the significance of any potentially sensitive heritage assets.”
The previous Heritage Impact Assessment (CA 2019) considered the setting of the Grade II Listed St George’s Hospital and concluded that the setting of the hospital makes a “neutral to negligible contribution” to its significance, and as such, development within the consented site area as a whole would result in no harm to its significance.
Developers say that the application site is “well-related to the development boundary of Semington”, and that the lack of separation from Semington, as well as its relationship to existing and recently approved developments and access to public transport, means that the plans can easily be assimilated into the existing built form of Semington.
Also included in the plans is the creation of “varied wildlife habitats”, including areas of wildflower, wetland features and woodland planting.
Mark Kurton, project manager at Newland Homes said, “As a climate considerate developer, Newland Homes are committed to providing zero carbon homes with non-fossil fuel heating systems and electric car charging infrastructure across our developments, to help tackle climate change and respond to the council’s climate emergency.”
The design and statement adds, “The proposals are appropriate… in a sustainable location and create a sensible rounding off to the site”.
To read the plans in full, visit the Wiltshire Council planning website and search with the reference PL/2022/ 01367. planning-building-control