Melksham Lions Club presented a cheque for £250 to Broughton Gifford Preschool Group to help them with the purchase of special grass covering to make their out door play area safer.
As well as supporting local causes, the Lions also made a donation of £100 to the Lions International Haiti Relief Fund and £100 to The Trussell Trust who collect and distribute food bank donations. Last year alone they gave three day emergency food supplies to 1,109,309 people in crisis. They operate over 400 food banks for Stop UK Hunger Campaign. They also collect and distribute Christmas Shoe boxes to Children and refuges in the Balkans. Whilst The Trussell Trust was formed by a group of Christians they across all religious groups. If you would like to know more about the trust, visit thier website at
If you would like to know more about the work that Melksham Lions Club are involved in then do not hesitate to contact Peter Dauncey 01225 766217.