Bowerhill Residents Action Group (BRAG), is looking for new volunteers to help support their ongoing and award-winning work in the community.
Best known for their picnic area, which is located next to the Kennet & Avon Canal, regular litter picks, and their maintenance of the footpath allowing access between Bowerhill and the canal, the group are also passionate campaigners and have played key roles in discussions about new housing developments that could impact the village.
“BRAG exists to provide a means of discovering the needs of Bowerhill residents and representing them to official bodies,” explains lead member and coordinator for BRAG, Mark Harris. “Also, to make residents aware of future developments within the community.”
And for the year ahead, BRAG is planning to continue its lobbying and raising awareness of upcoming plans, including a potential Melksham A350 bypass, and to ensure that the Pathfinder Place development delivers on all its promises, in particular a new primary school.
On top of their campaign work, BRAG also plans to continue arranging regular litter-picks around the village, to obtain further funding for additional benches and picnic tables around the estate, and to listen to residents’ concerns and address issues as they arise.
And that’s why they need your help!
Mark says, “There is no formal membership and anyone who lives in Bowerhill can become a member of the association. If you have any interest at all in what goes on in your neighbourhood, want to help maintain and improve the bridle-path and picnic area or just keep the estate tidy, join BRAG.”
The group is also looking for those who are willing to serve on the committee and fill the executive officer roles to help drive the business of the association forward.
Explaining what the committeeis, which are elected by members, and what is expected from them, Mark said, “The committeecomprises 12 elected members of the association, plus one nominated member of Melksham Without Parish Council and one nominated member from the Neighbourhood Police Team.
“The chairpresides over meetings and sees that they are conducted in an orderly fashion. Vice-chairdeputises for the chair in the event they are not available. The secretarydeals with correspondence and produces agendas for, and minutes of meetings. And the treasurermanages the finances of the association.
“Committee meetingsare normally held bi-monthly. The AGMis normally held in May of each year – it includes reports from the chairman, treasurer and picnic area working party. Committee members and executive officers are elected each year at the AGM.”
Founded in 2008, following a merger between the Bowerhill Action Group and Bowerhill Residents Association, the group has celebrated a number of achievements in its 13 years.
Highlighting some of those achievements, Mark said, “BRAG was instrumental in providing a continuous dry footpath from Bowerhill to the canal, funded by grants from Wiltshire Council, MWPC, Melksham Area Board, Gompels Healthcare and various local charities.
“In 2009, Wiltshire Council bought a strip of land from the owner of the field (Farmer Gunn) and laid the path from Bowerhill Lane to the canal.
“In 2010 a local farmer (Mr Ed Bodman of Bowerhill Lane Farm) cleared the area for the picnic site and installed the picnic tables and benches. These were paid for by Knorr-Bremse.
“The path and picnic area are continually maintained and improved by a small group of BRAG volunteers. Material costs are met by donations from users and canal-boat dwellers.
“Melksham Shed recently made a wrap-around seat for the picnic site. This was paid for by contributions from Asda, Waitrose, the Arthouse Cafe and donations via a Just Giving site.
“BRAG, in conjunction with MWPC, have been instrumental in getting several new benches installed around Bowerhill to enable the less-mobile among us to have a rest while out and about. Several new litter-bins have also been installed. These were paid for with grants from the Melksham Area Board and MWPC.
“BRAG members and volunteers have regular litter-picks around Bowerhill to try and keep the area tidy.
“BRAG successfully played an active part in campaigning against the proposed merger of Melksham Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council. BRAG provided input into the Neighbourhood Plans for both Melksham and Seend. Because of this, the bridle-path and picnic area have been noted as “green no development land” BRAG worked closely with MWPC, local residents and Taylor Wimpey to ensure that the new Pathfinder Place development delivered all that had been promised. Several public meetings were held and the developers worked very hard to address the concerns of those residents impacted by the development.
“BRAG worked with The Woodland Trust, Melksham ATC and local Scout groups to plant more trees around the Bowerhill sports field. BRAG continues to work with MWPC to address the issue of dog-fouling around Bowerhill. We are able to access the council dog warden to assist with this ongoing problem.”
For more details about BRAG and becoming a member, contact Mark Harris: 01225 351444 or 07985 465824; or email: