RIVER Mead School took part in the annual flipping pancake run fun day.
Nearly 100 pupils were involved in timed shuttle runs with the pancake being flipped at the start and end of each run.
“There was some expert flipping and some speedy running and all seemed to enjoy taking part,” said the school. “Last year, the event was organised by Melksham Community Meals to say thank you to the children for the cards and letters they wrote during lockdown and the children enjoyed it so much that we decided to make it an annual event.
“The results were as follows; Badgers/Buzzards 1 – Gold Award 97 runs; Badgers/Buzzards 1 – Silver Award 92 runs; Kestrels – Bronze Award 90 runs; and Herons – Achievement Award 81 runs.”
Cllr Sue Mortimer who attended the event said, “A big thank you to the volunteers, some who changed their plans at last minute, when the day was moved, for helping out with timing, demonstrating flipping the pancakes, counting the run and picking up the broken pancakes.
“A big thank you to all teachers involved for coping with the disruption to the lessons to allow the pancake fun run to take place. Everyone agreed it was well worth it to see the children having so much fun.
“Badgers/Buzzards 2 will be presented with the Frying Pan Trophy once it has been engraved. Thank you to Cobblers Bench for doing the engraving.”