MELKSHAM in Bloom will go ahead this year, despite the coronavirus crisis, and organisers, Melksham Town Council, is encouraging local gardeners to enter.

“One of the positives in this time of social distancing and self-isolation is that many people are directing their time and energy to their gardens and Melksham Town Council are keen to encourage people to keep gardening, to remain productive, creative and healthy in this unusual time,” said Miriam Zaccarelli, the council’s Community Development Officer. “The popular Melksham in Bloom competition is a great way to do this, and the good news is that we are still planning to go ahead with it in July 2020.
“As you can imagine, Melksham Town Council have considered the practicalities of the competition this year in light of new social distancing guidelines and our commitment to continue keeping our vulnerable residents safe.
“As most elements of judging day can be carried out in a socially distant manner, the Council has made the decision to go ahead this year, with a few modifications.
“Since there is a reduction in staff and steward availability this year we have had to reduce the amount of categories, so some have been removed and some categories have merged. For example the previous categories of Large Front Garden and Small Front Garden have merged to simply ‘Front Garden,’ and tubs, containers and hanging baskets are all now in one category.
“While there are less categories, there are still opportunities for everyone to enter something and your horticultural skills will still be appreciated and considered regardless of the size of your garden.
“As a way of encouraging new entrants, the sunflower categories have been introduced, so that the competition can be inclusive and accessible, especially for those with young families who are stuck at home. Judging for sunflowers will be in late August.
“During the current restrictions, we are unable to confirm yet the date of judging except to say that it is our intention that it will be in early to mid-July.
“Our aim is that the awards ceremony will be held, as usual, as part of the Melksham Gardeners’ Society Open Flower and Produce Show, currently scheduled for Sunday 13 September at Melksham Assembly Hall.
“We appreciate your understanding and patience while things are a little different this time. We will make the full details available as soon as possible and ask you to look out for them.
“The closing date for entries is 12 noon, Friday 26 June 2020. Forms can be sent to the Town Hall or emailed to
“We look forward to seeing the results of everyone’s hard work and creativity in July.”
For a copy of the entry form, please CLICK HERE