ST Michael’s Church has been successful with its appeal to raise enough money to replace the 71-year old boiler that was no longer fit for purpose.
On behalf of the church, Ruth Fivash says, “Our gift day was very successful and the church would like to thank everyone who so generously gifted monies for this appeal.
“Enough money was raised to purchase the boiler and it is due to be installed in the next two weeks. So we look forward to a more environmentally friendly system and efficient heating.
“As with all old buildings, maintaining and renovating them are expensive and challenging projects to run, and the costs are ever rising. If anyone felt they wanted to gift some money to the church but missed the gift day, it is not too late to do so as there is always something that needs doing. Money can be donated via the The Friends of St Michael and All Angels. Cheques made out to The Friends of St Michael and all Angels, can be sent c/o The Treasurer, Mrs S Spurrier, 48 Longford Road Melksham. Thank you again to all who generously gave.”