Back by popular request again this year your Community Bus is offering a variety of Saturday excursions.
The first of these will be to Cardiff on the 4th April.
More trips will be advertised nearer their dates.
These trips are open to all, but you will need to be a member of the Tourist Information Travel Club. Membership is free, you just need to fill in a form at the TIC to be given a number. All trips are £20.
Organisers say, “We pick you up at a location near your home whenever possible, or King Street car park if that is more convenient for you.
“Please call into the TIC to pick up a leaflet or to make a booking . You can phone 01225 707424 for more information.
Shopper Buses
“Don’t forget that we also run our popular shopper buses on Thursday and Friday mornings. These bus services are free to people with bus passes.
“The Thursday bus picks you up at home and goes to a different town centre each week. After a couple of hours in town we take you home again. Our driver will even help you carry your shopping to your door! We will take you either to Trowbridge, Devizes or Chippenham, details of which destination is planned for each date are available from Melksham TIC.
“The Friday bus will also pick you up at home and then to a local supermarket , usually Sainsbury’s. The driver can take you to other supermarkets on request. When you have done your shopping the bus will drop you off back home.
“Please call the TIC to book a place on the shopper bus. The number to call for all bookings is 707424
“We can also offer buses for hire with driver to organisations and groups.”